Mobile app development has become the heart of traditional physical stores, eCommerce stores, and all other types of businesses. Mobile application development has helped businesses to grow exponentially so businesses can focus on their core products and services.

Now Mobile phones are an integral part of lives, businesses. No one on the planet can deny its highly-attracted force. With that said, our mobile app development company in USA will share 10 promising advantages of a mobile application for small businesses, startups, and enterprises.

10 Benefits of Mobile Application

1. A privileged contact with your customers

Thanks to a smartphone application, you no longer need an intermediary! You are in direct contact with your potential customers.

Unlike the Internet or social networks which put you in constant competition with other players in your field of activity, the mobile application offers privileged contact with your customers.

Depending on its nature, the application can also be a gateway for your prospects. By knowing how to be useful, you make potential customers want to know more about you and use your paid services.

2. An Optimized Customer Experience 

Who hasn’t found themselves browsing a slow, non-responsive, and poorly structured website? To overcome this problem, especially during the shopping phase, many companies offer a mobile app and suggest that their customers download it to facilitate their shopping journey.

Most often, the suggestion is made through a window offering the customer either to “Continue on the site” or to “Download the mobile app”. 47% of Internet users do not appreciate their web experience. Proof, therefore, that a large part of your customers will be likely to favor browsing on a mobile app over web browsing.

3. A Gain in Visibility

The mobile application makes it possible to enrich its online presence since it allows it to be referenced on application platforms such as Playstore or App store. Having an app increases visibility and improves brand image. This is an opportunity for a company to highlight its activity, and to offer new services.

Customers are no longer looking only for the consumption of a good, but above all for support and a personalized experience. Having a mobile application makes it possible to offer new customer interaction tools: online chat, callback service, and many more. It is an excellent way to make yourself known on more platforms and to simplify business-customer communication.

4. A Tool Retention

Ownership of a mobile application makes it possible to send notifications. It is therefore much easier to inform them, to interact, and to remain at their disposal if necessary. 3 statistics should be remembered according to a study carried out by Localytics Data Team :

  • Notifications boost brand appeal by 88%
  • 65% of users return to an app within 30 days when notifications are enabled
  • 50% of users find notifications useful

5. A More Efficient Customer Appointment Management

If you have an online agenda, you will be better able to manage your appointments through a mobile app. The main advantage of having an e-diary is that it allows the company to manage its client appointments remotely, and clients to make appointments from several media: computer, tablet, smartphone, etc. Your business remains accessible everywhere, 24/7.

Who says online agenda, says notifications for each appointment set. A good way to keep in touch with the customer, and to keep them freshly informed of their reservations. The management of appointments but also of customer data is therefore more optimal.

6. A Stronger Customer Commitment

Finally, the last advantage of a mobile app: customer engagement. From now on, it is necessary to no longer focus solely on product prices or features, but on the customer experience. Is your application easy to use? Is it user-friendly? Do you have the right interaction tools? So many questions that you need to ask yourself if you want to improve your customer engagement.

A dissatisfied customer does not necessarily talk about it: 98% of dissatisfied customers leave without complaining. Most of the time when a customer is dissatisfied, they are content to never consume the brand in question again. So know that you have to make customer satisfaction your priority, and the mobile app is the best-placed tool for that. In conclusion, the mobile app offers the possibility of establishing a privileged link with your customers, and therefore of having a stronger

7. Lower cost marketing

No more expensive advertisements via traditional communication channels or 4 x 3 signs posted in the streets:

Mobile marketing allows even small businesses to promote themselves, without investing colossal sums in it.

As intimate as word of mouth, and as effective as a large-scale marketing campaign, the development of a mobile application reaches a wider target audience, while remaining financially and technically accessible: it is even possible to generate an application without developers.

8. A better-understood core target

The mobile application is aimed at a potential clientele that is already targeted and known.

By respecting the codes of mobile applications (updated information, regular and brief push notifications, development of new features, etc.), you are sure to capture the attention of your prospects.

And an interested and captivated customer has every chance of becoming a successful customer who completes the purchase or who renews it.

9. A presence without intrusion

A smartphone application is consulted as soon as the user feels the need. He can choose to receive notifications, but it is not mandatory.

Thus, the mobile user does not even perceive this software as a marketing tool.

This method of communication and loyalty is not intrusive in the customer’s life, it only brings added value. The user’s perception of your business is therefore positive.

At the same time, you strengthen his confidence in your business.

10. An evolution that has become necessary

We do not teach you anything: social networks and mobile applications have become real references in terms of information and communication.

By developing a mobile application related to your business, you show that you are trendy, that you know how to adapt to the lifestyle of your customers.

Indirectly, this has repercussions on your company’s image: you become a modern brand, able to meet the new needs of its consumers.

To be at the forefront of fashion, also think of Progressive Web Apps, new generation apps that do not require any installation.