We’ve all heard at least one sentimental tune. They hit your ears every time they’ve played, and you’re instantly transported back to the reminiscent scene. I had to go through many challenges as a rookie trader. Recalling such events gave me a completely different sensation. They were undoubtedly a life-changing event for me. Because of the lessons that time has taught me, I am now an experienced trader who has seen a lot in his trading venture. I would have been just another typical trader seeking possibilities to better my life if I hadn’t been through the dark times.

I was staring out my window last night when I heard such a tune. Surprisingly, it did not take me back to memory this time. Instead, I stepped back in time and examined my history. I couldn’t believe I’d gone such a long way at first. Yet, I know it was the most terrible and challenging period of my life. One setback after another shaped who I am as a person and trader today.

When I look back, I started listing all of the individuals and institutions who assisted me in getting to where I am now. Bitteks is the platform I credit for my achievements after my mother, father, and instructors.

As soon as I graduated, I realized I needed to join a respectable and trustworthy brokerage business. I continued hearing about traders who had gone to these forex businesses and had achieved great success. Of course, I was aware of the fraudsters and impostors, but you don’t have much experience evaluating individuals when you’re new.

Also, your decision-making abilities aren’t powerful. All of these factors conspired to cause me to fall victim to scam after scam. No one warned me about conducting my research, so I went in blindly believing others. I’d say this is something you should never do. Always do a thorough self-examination before making a decision.

I realized I owed you all something when I returned from my trip down memory lane. This is why I decided to write about my experience for you to have a better sense of what to look for in a decent broker. I expect you to take notes so that after the evaluation, you’ll be able to tell the difference between a deceiving and a legitimate business. It may be not easy, but if you remain careful, you may easily reach your goal.

Security Number 1 priority - Bitteks Review 2021

Safe working Conditions:

The first thing you should look for in a broker is whether or not they provide a safe working environment. If you have even the slightest uncertainty, cross it off your list and move on. This is because you absolutely shouldn’t compromise on anything except the security of your assets and data. If you overlook this part of a platform, one might have far-reaching worse consequences they can imagine. Allow me to share something with you. I lost all of my hard-earned money when the third forex business I joined experienced a security breach. This was a period in my career that I was on the verge of quitting, but thanks to my friends and family, I was dragged back to my passion.

There are several techniques to determine whether or not a company is trustworthy.

  • Consult with your coworkers.
  • Speak with current customers.
  • Look over the website’s legal section.
  • Inquire with the customer service personnel.
  • Please read the disclaimer carefully.

It would help if you employed all of these techniques to guarantee that you reduce your chances of falling into perfectly planned traps. This topic leads me to the Bitteks legal section. I believe if you read it, there’s no way you won’t be struck by how transparent it is. Risk Disclosure Statement, Bonus Policy, Terms and Conditions, Withdrawal, Refund and Cancellation, Anti Money Laundering Policy, and so on are among the papers. Another element that I thought was noteworthy was the company’s willingness to sacrifice earnings while not jeopardizing my security.

Since the site is accessed over a secure socket layer, I experience absolute genuine tranquility. Fast registration, 18+ security, as well as permitting and guidelines are all included. Bitteks’ broker accounts are maintained separately from its own “isolated” account with a reputable worldwide bank. This ensures that traders’ funds will stay safe, regardless of what happens with Bitteks. Any concerns concerning safety should indeed be directed to customer service.

Bitteks Review 2021 - Bitteks Review 2021


The outlook can become a headache if not treated carefully. I’m a seasoned trader who dislikes working with dark-colored websites. Isn’t it reasonable? Monochromic motifs are utterly unappealing to my aged eyes. That is why I have never liked the current theme.

My colleagues’ traders believe the dark blue backdrop to be very professional and elegant. Thus, this is a highly controversial stance. I can’t say they’re incorrect. Therefore, I’m left with the option of recommending that corporations should include a “choose the theme of your liking” button. Apart from that, the website’s interface and integrated images enhance the user experience. I enjoy how I didn’t require a tutorial or other instruction to figure out how to utilize the website. This approach to simplicity in forum design ensures that both experienced and novice traders do not have to waste time navigating the site.

Education Center:

This is one of my favorite parts of the platform. Bitteks has made this section available to anybody who views the website, which I think is fantastic. You do not have to pay to take advantage of this section. eBooks, a glossary, a FAQ, and an asset index are all included in the education area. I appreciate how all of these have been grouped or presented alphabetically to guarantee that the retriever imparts the essential piece of knowledge promptly. When you come across a new phrase, quickly open your phone and go to the glossary’s matching letter to read the definition. The same can be said for Asset Index.

I spend much time on the EBook area of the site. The books that have been uploaded are of two levels: advanced and essential. In this manner, experienced traders may learn new knowledge and refresh previous information, while inexperienced traders may study basic information before progressing to advanced knowledge. The Advanced Technical Analysis eBook is my personal favorite.

The brief paragraph at the foot of the book title provides an overview of the contents. Even if you don’t want to join our forum, I urge that you go through all of these. The Open Account, Support, Platform, Trading, and Funding sections of the FAQ section are organized into categories. Even though the part is extensive, it is not updated very frequently, which I am concerned about.

Payment - Bitteks Review 2021

Reasonably priced services:

Imagine if all of Bitteks’ services are available for a modest fee. Of course, you don’t have to imagine it since it’s true. I like how I don’t have to pay any additional commission costs, and the firm doesn’t believe in deducting hidden expenses. Overall, the bundle is both inexpensive and appealing.

After you join up, you can be assured that your money will go where you want it. Before you become a member, all charges will be explained to you. If you have any more questions, you may contact the friendly customer service staff. Unfortunately, I was unable to include all of the forum’s specifications and features. One of these is the well-organized customer service department. You may contact them in various ways, including via email, phone, or filling out a form. I hope they offer an international number for all users and think about extending the hours of operation.

Other Features:

Bitteks facilitates switching between shares, forex, indices, crypto, CFDs, trading tools, education, security, and various administrations a breeze. The registration process is straightforward to complete and authorize, but there is one drawback: the platform is only available in English. I discovered that the client care teams were functional 24 hours a day, seven days a week, making trading at Bitteks substantially more favorable. The trading platform is available on both Android and iOS, and it is quick and easy to use for any trader. The Education resources are elementary to find, and it’s simple to keep up with the latest market news and trends with Bitteks.

My Final Verdict on Bitteks:

So far, the forum has been fantastic for me. I am happy with the services provided. Like all other products, I understand that it has shortcomings, but it still serves my trading needs in the best possible way. If you plan on becoming a member, I hope and pray that your experience will be as enjoyable as mine. If you aren’t, I’m hoping that by now, you have a solid notion of what traders’ touchpoints are and how to find a platform that caters to all of them. Good luck in your endeavor.

Disclaimer: This review is written from my own experience and my self-knowledge only, not a recommendation.