The trading industry has been able to capture the interest of many young people to have indulged themselves. Therefore, they have been attracted towards it in this era. Hence, it requires quite some knowledge and experience to get into it. But, unfortunately, most traders don’t have the slightest knowledge about knowing what platform to use or where to invest hard-earned money, which leads to getting scammed from untrustworthy sources. I have been a victim of such a situation. On a positive note, I have gained Experience by getting scammed and all sorts of other problems. After much research and reading several articles, I invested in RosewoodTrust.


RosewoodTrust attracted me because of its simplicity and transparency. I found myself at ease after discovering a platform truly honest about its guidelines and services. It was very self-explanatory and easy to use. I understood right off the start about what this platform had to offer and was interested almost instantly. Many brokers didn’t have this effect, and I felt comfortable navigating through this platform. It put me at ease, and I felt like I knew how to work with it.

Because of its simplicity, I feel compelled to write a review of this platform to raise awareness among young people and traders about the benefits of using an online trading platform. In addition, I hope that this review will help you develop your skills and knowledge of the industry.

My First Impression:

The vibrant and lively graphics that have been used give the website a unique appearance. It distinguishes it from all other trading platforms. When I first signed into RosewoodTrust, I noticed it right away. However,I prefer the trading platforms to have a light theme to be easy on the eyes and is brighter, hence giving the website an attractive look. The live graphics and images also give it a unique look and distinctive. All in all, my first impression of this platform was quite impressive.

The complete overview of this platform gives a very user-friendly vibe. The chart, tools, assets, educational material make it a worthwhile experience. But, I have to say this, the chart and asset collection – the heart of any trading platform – were the best. I loved choosing trending stocks and cryptos for my investments. Above all, with the right account type, I got an account manager to make my trading strategies more solid and profitable.


The live chat option is available at the bottom right corner of the screen. All the vital contents are given to be accessible to everyone and easy to reach. The whole page is designed to be organized so that any particular category you may be looking for is quickly reachable. Moreover, the layout is clean and contains all the necessary information in neat sections.

The security information is given at the end of the main page. Conversely, the date and time are not mentioned, and the available dialects. The available languages are minimal, which might be causing an issue for all the international clientele meaning many people won’t be getting the opportunity to enjoy this platform.

Legal docs - RosewoodTrust

Customer Service:

Like any other customer service provided by a trading platform, this includes the live chat option, telephone line, and email. I see the value of a forum by using their customer and judging it to see if the platform is of good quality or not. Good customer service is provided 24/7.

RosewoodTrust offers customer service in only Australia and the UK. I find the kind of concerning as the international won’t have the opportunity to face their concerns. However, another thing that I have noticed is that the customer service is viable 24/5.

My Experience with customer service was simple, fast, and well-informed. In addition, all of the issues I was facing were resolved rapidly, which I most appreciated.

Account Types:

The available account types are

  • Savings:

With a minimum balance of 250 dollars, the savings account type avails over 200 tradable assets, market review, flexible leverage up to 1:100, and competitive spreads up to 1.5%.

  • Passive income:

The passive income avails the same features as the savings accounts as well as a dedicated senior manager, flexible leverage up to 1:200, tier3 room analysis, risk management planning, monthly webinars, bonus funds, competitive spreads up to 1%, financial planning, special venture promotions, level 3 prioritized withdrawal process—all worth 5,000 dollars.

  • Retirement:

The retirement account type comprises all the passive income features and flexible leverage up to 1:300, tight spread up to 0.5%, tier 2 room analysis, weekly webinars, and level-2 prioritized withdrawal process.

  • Wealth builder:

Having a minimum balance of 20,000 dollars, the Wealth Builder has identical features. In addition, it has powerful leverage up to 1:400. Ultra-tight spreads up to 0.3%, full access to webinars and analysis, level 1 prioritizes withdrawal process, access to VIP events, and a special gift worth 5,000 dollars.

Account Types - RosewoodTrust

My Experience with the Withdrawal Process:

The withdrawal process concludes the whole Experience of the platform. But, of course, if there is an error, it might leave a wrong impression as clients always expect a process like such to be smooth and problem-free. As for my experience, I had no issue with withdrawing my money.

The process took a short amount of time and was rapid. After the withdrawal, I had received an email confirming the procedure. I was pretty worried about this step as I have experienced many unpleasant withdrawal processes. Hence, I was relieved and quite impressed.

Education Center:

Education, in my opinion, is the most critical category for a trading site. They need to have outstanding quality—this is where the platform will obtain the opportunity to attract new traders. The knowledge provided should be vast and cover all the necessary contents. This is the most helpful section for beginners.

The contents provided within the education center section are eBooks, Glossary, FAQs, and Asset Index.

  • eBooks:

The eBooks that are accessible are 12. Each of the eBooks contains a short description of what kind of information it offers. The eBooks comprised all that I wanted to know about trading. It covered just about all that there is to know and learn about the trading industry. It is particularly beneficial for new traders who are curious about the ins and outs of trading. They want to learn more about the fundamentals of developing their trading skills and achieving a better trading experience.

  • Glossary:

The glossary is excellent for all the young traders and seasoned traders. Even after being in trading for quite some time, I still lurked in this section. It contains all the terms I needed to know about trade and those used frequently. In addition, it has all the phrases and words alphabetically, making it much easier for me to find the exact term Iwas looking for. It is a good starting point to start working on your trading by learning about the basics and trading.

  • FAQs:

The traders with various questions on their minds benefit most from this section. This platform has a section where all the commonly asked questions are given with well-informed answers. You can visit this section if you are facing difficulty and need assistance.

  • Asset Index:

In this section, all the assets are enlisted alphabetically, making it stress-free when looking for a specific asset. In addition, each asset has an expiration time that is given, making the Experience easier.

Asset Index - contact RosewoodTrust


I felt comfortable and at ease while using RosewoodTrust. It helped improve my trading skills and polish them up and gain more knowledge with every passing day. The withdrawal process has never been easy and trustworthy. However, I thoroughly enjoyed it rather than being concerned about getting tricked. The customer service was of top-notch quality. All the replies were rapid, and the responses were very informative, solving all my issues and concerns instantly. They were delightful, providing me with any information I required. The representatives assisted me with all my problems and helped me gain more knowledge, and guided me through the trading process.

While using this specific trading broker, I have found out that it was very informal and easy to use for me. Unfortunately, I have used many trading platforms beforehand and have one too many errors while using each. Going into trading, a trader needs a platform to feel the most comfortable using. At the same time, the broker must be dependable for you to trade with ease. Even after changing my account type, I was certain that there would be an error or something to make the process uneasy, but I was wrong. Despite all that, I was still gaining a positive experience while using this platform, which is impressive as the economy is rapidly fluctuating and moving further as time passes.

Disclaimer: This review from my own Experience and self-knowledge only and this is not a recommendation.

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