Primarily a photo-sharing app, Instagram has grown to be a platform where people can make money. Take the Kardashians, for example. Or the many top bloggers and influencers who earn thousands of dollars collaborating with brands.

These influencers, content creators, and celebrities, have reach and influence worked out. With these factors, they get exposed to numerous revenue-generating opportunities they can explore.

And the best part?

Monetizing Instagram is not only for celebrities and mega influencers. You, too, can earn money from your Instagram account if you have reach, influence, and an engaged audience.


The following are ways in which you can start earning money on Instagram.

1. Publish Sponsored Posts

With this strategy, you can get paid for reviewing products, mentioning them in your posts, or providing testimonials. In some cases, a brand may even hire you as their ambassador.

But how do you find them?

Look for brands with products you use on Instagram or those with products your followers would appreciate and send them a collaboration proposal.

But this method can be taxing. Worse still, brands may fail to reply or reject your proposal.

To avoid all this, register with influencer marketing platforms. Most of these influencer platforms have a network or inventory they use to help brands find influencers. Once you sign up with their network, brands looking for influencers that fit your profile can reach out to you and request a collaboration.

2. Sell Your Products

If you have products or services you would love to sell, Instagram is a great place to do so. The platform offers numerous features you can leverage, like the link in bio or the Shop Now feature.

But that’s not all.

You can also sell digital products like ebooks, guides, courses, fitness programs, etc. The platform is also a great place to showcase your talents and find people interested in hiring you.

3. Register with an Influencer Network or Community

Influencer marketing agencies help brands find influencers. But they are also a great place for you to find brands for collaborations.

Once registered, most of these influencer agencies allow you to set your fee and earn money doing what you love. Others allow you to maintain the editorial integrity and invite you to join campaigns that align with your passions and interests.

With the agencies, you can have the assurance of payment and exposure to brands you would not have been able to access while searching on your own.

But the tactics mentioned above are not the only ways you can make money on Instagram.

To find more strategies, check out the infographic below first published on It explains more ways in which you can use your Instagram account to make a fortune.

How to Monetize Instagram to Earn a Fortune

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