There are some sights that trigger flashbacks. It wasn’t just yesterday, whenever I see the setting sun and hear chirping birds, I’m transported to the past. I was 23 when I finally decided it was now the time to earn living for myself.  The answer to my frequently asked question ‘but how about ‘trade’. I still don’t get what in this area kept attracting me and still attracts me. Well, whatever it was I was drawn towards the field.

Initially, I was fully oblivious to the trading world’s innovative scams. When you’re a neophyte you find everyone honest. But this isn’t the actual case. You’ve to be very cautious. I’ve seen a whole bunch of people suffering heavy financial losses at the hands of cunning minds. There were multiple occasions when my friends rescued me from smarty laid traps.

You can undoubtedly earn millions in no time but for that, you want trusted friends and partners. I remember once I was about to fall in the hands of a trickster when my cousin out. He said if there’s one platform you can trust with your business its Carter Williams. This small statement wasn’t very convincing at first but when I first signed up, I saw my opportunities expand and profits maximize at an astonishing rate.

Ever since a massive influx was noticed in the online brokerage firms, almost everyone was sceptical about who to go for. All of them sounded equally effective. What I knew by instinct was that all can’t be great and that I had to be wise. I listened to my cousin and did some research regarding the topic individually. Going through the website was a pleasant experience that made me make an account.

Before we proceed, I want to make it a point that here I am because I would be happy if any one of you benefits from my experience. I’ll keep sharing my own stories and I expect that by the end of it, your decision-making process would be fairly easy.

So, Carter Williams came into my life back in January 2019. I remember signing up just for the sake of experience but the cool environment made me stay back. Some incredibly put forth features together with the customer service never had me thinking of dissociating from here.

You want some areas in a brokerage platform to be crystal clear as you cannot think of compromising on them. Such as security, stability, and professional tools. All of these have to be foolproof. There are other features that have to be great as well such as order execution rates, customer care services, etc. We’ll touch each of these gradually as we proceed so you know how to evaluate a platform and make a choice.

Theme and graphics

Whenever you’re at a forum, you click to open their website and the first thing that’ll meet your eyes is the theme, graphics, and the interface generally. If it is well designed only for them you feel the urge to explore further. Here at Carter Williams, I loved it simply. It was so soothing to the eyes and catchy. Other sites have dark or monotone themes that aren’t as commendable since they make the overall process very dull.

It would’ve been best if there was an option that would let the users customize the appearance according to their choice. The ones who like monotones shouldn’t be overlooked.

Scrolling Stocks bar

As you move further, you’ll see the self-scrolling stocks bar. You just need to sit back and have a look at changing prices. Initially, it was a little hard to operate it but now that I’ve used it many times it’s easy. There is a margin of improvement here, maybe it can be made easy or instructions can be added.


If you focus on the top, you’ll see the date and time. There’s a language option near these two. Although it isn’t as useful since the only language you can use it in is English. A lot of many people do understand it but steps should be taken to cater to the rest of the world.

The overall design is applaudable and does not give the user a cluttered look. You won’t feel it’s too much to handle.

Easy access

If you’re a trader and you want a partner, make sure they’re ready to go places with you. Carter Williams manages to stay in heart for another reason which is that you can not only open this anytime on your pc or laptop but also on your mobile phone. The mobile browser interface is different but equally commendable.

Various accounts for varying needs

If you come across a platform that doesn’t care about the different needs of all traders, you’re having a great experience. All the traders use different strategies, products, techniques, and tactics, and hence their needs vary. Carter Williams has been mindful of this. They have introduced a range of accounts; you can always go through the specs of each one of these and pick one.

Various accounts for varying needs-Ask about Carter Williams from a trader - Review 2021-therayandthero


My first pick

I myself went for the basic account first. And this is what I’d suggest to all the young traders out there. First, learn the basics and then go for the complex ones. I was allowed to trade in any of 200 assets and this was a huge boosting factor for my profits since my portfolio was diversified.

When I kept using the basic account I was satisfied. One day my friend told me what features are available in the other accounts. I was sure that they’d also be remarkable like the basic one. He told me he had attended so many webinars, seminars, and conferences to enhance the knowledge of the trader. Another very helpful feature was market review. You are updated all the time about the changing market scenarios.

With upgrading your account, you get an expert who knows all about complex matters like taxation, legalities, finances, etc. If you ever land in any such trouble, all you need to do is call your expert.

Payment methods

A well-regulated platform is one that monitors the transactions of the clients without breaching privacy. This helps the firm develop better features for you and make the experience even better. You can do your withdrawal transactions using 3 methods, that are bank wire, debit card, and credit card. It is often complained that there more payment methods such as PayPal, and iDEAL. The addition of these methods will be great.

User education and learning

Any firm which actually cares for its customers takes practical steps to educate the user. This helps you grow through the entire process and understand the techniques needed for better management. Carter Williams has a very well-developed section that is dedicated to the education of users only. It includes several

⦁ eBooks
⦁ Glossary
⦁ Frequently asked questions
⦁ Asset Index

There are a total of 12 eBooks uploaded by them. Each of which covers the given area comprehensively. More could be added but one of these which the platform needs to focus on is to add video lectures because people these days don’t have enough time to go through the books. They love to hear rather than read. This would increase the number of people benefiting.

There is a well-developed Glossary and asset index. You need not to go through each of the entire. Because the entities have been arranged in an alphabetical order which makes it easy to navigate through.

The FAQ section is also nicely written and designed. You’ll get answers to most of your questions but since the needs evolve, the platform evolves too. I am sure the questions change too. So, the section should be frequently updated. This will help the customers get answers without having to use the customer services.

Customer Care Services

This department is the reason why your customers hold onto you. If a firm is brilliant otherwise, doesn’t have a good customer care service, another couple of years and they’re gone. If you make a customer feel welcome and keep expressing gratitude, only then you can expect them not only to stay loyal themselves but also ask others to use it.

Carter Williams’s customer services are remarkable. Representatives are both responsive and responsible. It becomes imminent that their central aim is to make the firm more client-oriented. You can get in touch with the representatives through three methods namely call, which is also known as phone, email, and live chat. All three of these methods are equally efficient and fast but I have been a frequent user of the live chat option. I always found representatives very helpful and fully knowledgeable.

However, it cannot be said that this medium does not need any improvements. They need to work on the drawback that the representatives are available for only given periods of time after which you have to wait for the next day. Another problem is that users all around the globe cannot make use of the phone service which is something not great. Although they can make use of the rest of the services provision of this option would make the firm more client caring.

Customer Care Services - Ask about Carter Williams from a trader - Review 2021-therayandthero

Finishing comments

Whatever that has been discussed is a trailer, a glimpse of what you will get once you sign up. There are a number of professional tools that help you stand out from your fellow traders. I  would certainly recommend you all to give it a shot and see if the company satisfies your needs.

Disclaimer: This review is written from my own experience and my self-knowledge only and this is not a recommendation. I cannot be responsible for any inconvenience that might occur trading/exchanging with this company.