
I am yet another trader in the market who is struggling to come across a good trading platform. There are a plethora of options available online but most of them have failed to satisfy my growing and evolving needs and requirements. Financial security is one factor that everyone needs to consider before not only making any such decision but also before designing any such platform as well. A trader might lose his entire capital if this factor is not taken into consideration. Therefore, you are not in need of fancy platform features. In fact, the solution to your problem lies with one which has all the basic features of a trading application plus the one which considers all the market patterns as well.

That is the reason I felt it my responsibility to share my experience of using a reliable trading platform. In this article, I’ll give you a brief but critical review of SecuredVC’s service features. So, talking of my personal journey, I started trading two years ago, and back then I was still in search of a good trading platform. One of my close friends introduced me to a platform called SecuredVC. My experience of using it has been brilliant to an extent that I continue using it to date. I really hope that by having a peek into my experience you traders will have an idea of how it operates and what alterations you require according to your needs. I hope by the end of this, your decision-making process will be fairly easy.


My answer has to be in the affirmative for sure with respect to this platform’s layout design. I will fully explain and justify my choice. SecuredVC has a very well-organized layout which makes it easy to operate and user-friendly. . Important things like date, time, and language selection options are clearly displayed on the right-hand corner. Therefore only a click and you are good to go. Keep in mind that SecurityVC is available only in two languages; English and Thai.

Layout -SecuredVC Review 2021 My Reasons For Choosing This Platform-therayandthero

Another point that kept bothering me was that SecuredVC has a dark background and I’m not a big fan of such colour schemes. It doesn’t have a stock market report bar on the landing page either which in my opinion helps a trader a lot. Overall the layout is simple and it helps a trader in filtering through different options. The straightforward accessibility is another reason why I recommend people to use it.

Graphical Features of the Platform

Trading platforms usually put a lot of effort into making their graphical designs effective and user-friendly and readable because of their significant impact on the clientage. SecuredVC has taken this factor into consideration as well. It sticks with the standardized design outlook. Graphics used in this platform make it more of an interactive and easily operable platform. They clearly avoid the use of unnecessary graphics on the main page which is quite appreciable since this makes the page look less crowded, attracting attention.  The option which helps a user in accessing related pages is available on the right side therefore it gives ample space to a user for navigating through. Drop-down menus are also incorporated really well,  helping the users in accessing wanted options fast. Therefore the service options have been smartly aligned.

Evaluation In Terms of Opportunities

Another attractive feature is that regardless of a person’s experience in the market, this platform helps one in diversifying their portfolio and growing at an unprecedented rate. Apart from this,  SecuredVC has over 200 tradable assets to offer its clients and they also allow them to change the type of asset they wish to trade using options such as indices, crypto, commodities, Forex, and stocks.
Most of the other platforms don’t allow you to invest in gold but surprisingly SecuredVC does! You can pick your favourite assets from the list of stocks available and there you go. Plus it provides you with distinct analytical tools which help a trader in making good investment decisions.

Evaluation In Terms of Opportunities-SecuredVC Review 2021 My Reasons For Choosing This Platform-therayandthero

Excellent tools have played a huge role in teaching me about smart investments. This chart is fully customizable and one can change it according to their preferences. A colour selection option here in this graph would’ve made it, even more, user friendly as I find it difficult to navigate through the green and red lines on a dark backdrop. Apart from that, it gives you an option to flag certain positions plus it allows you to zoom in and out as well.


Don’t know much about the other traders but personally, I’ve been quite fearful of the security issues which come with online trading but SecuredVC makes me feel easy and secure. This has a lot to do with the clarity with which the security policies are stated. They have stated all their privacy policies on their website in a clear manner so one shouldn’t be that worried about it.
Therefore terms and conditions, privacy policies all such guidelines and directions have been mentioned for clients to read before proceeding. Another feature that makes this platform fit for use is that they ensure they have limited control over the client’s personal data and that it is not misused. This data is only used for monitoring purposes. SecuredVC wants to make its operations as efficient as possible therefore it asks for client details, therefore you are recommended not to hesitate if you want a carefree journey. However,  a client can always refuse to grant this access to SecuredVC. The fact that SecuredVC values integrity and confidentiality during the monitoring process is quite appreciable. If you have any further concerns you can always refer to their security protocols.

Security -SecuredVC Review 2021 My Reasons For Choosing This Platform-therayandthero

Many people don’t consider this factor before investing but building a close community of traders with a platform is pretty important. SecuredVC made me realize this through its efficient servers. Traders normally stick with platforms for a long time because those platforms are extremely effective. I diversified my portfolio and took risks because this server offered me security and it allowed me to jump out of my comfort zone, expanding my opportunities. For example, my profits wouldn’t soar high, had I not invested in cryptocurrencies. But thanks to SecurityVC for providing me with the motivation I needed. I find it important to mention that when I  invested in bitcoins I had to experience highs and lows but SecuredVC never disappointed me while I was at the losing end because of their constant support. This support made me reach the top when I was experiencing the highs. I know this relationship between me and SecurityVC is still making me make use of this applaudable platform.

Diverse Library of Resources

A beginner has to take this question into consideration before making any investment-oriented decisions. Yes, you are finding your feet in the market but you would still need some reliable information. SecuredVC is one such platform that will fulfil all your needs and requirements. One has to study the market thoroughly before making any investment decision and has to have the right resources laid out in front. SecuredVC offers you different resources such as Ebooks, FAQs, Asset Index, and Glossary that you can make use of. I used all of them but the most helpful of them were FAQs.  They allow you to understand an investment option in a better manner. The glossary was another tool that provided me with a helping hand in understanding certain technical terms. Adding a search engine to the glossary section will make it, even more, effective. The alphabetical scroll option is another feature there to assist you.

Each of these resources is categorized based on different learning styles in order to accommodate every type of trader in the market. So, it won’t matter which level or type of trader you are, you will surely be able to find something useful in this section. Veteran traders will be pleased to find the collection of advanced eBooks. However, I did notice that the latest collection of each of them has not been updated by the platform and I am hoping that the platform proceeds to introduce an update feature in this section.

Opinion and Evaluation in a Nutshell

SecuredVC, in my opinion, is a great platform but I can understand the fact that the needs and requirements vary from trader to trader. Therefore I would recommend traders to use it initially on a trial basis by signing up for a self-managed account and continue with it if they are satisfied with the platform. Otherwise, you always have the option to cancel the registration. The cancellation policy works in a way that one doesn’t have to worry about the drainage of their assets post-cancellation. So If you are looking for a reliable option go for it.

Disclaimer: This review is written from my own experience and my self-knowledge only and this is not a recommendation.